Jaiden's museum of genetics, adaptations, and the beauty of natural selection
Welcome to my museum
This is an intro to my museum. please read before proceeding through the rest of the museum.
An Intro to Natural selection
This is a painting showing natural selection. What this shows is a group of 3 giraffes with necks that are different lengths. Then in the next half of the painting is shows in the future that the giraffe with the short neck has died. What happened is that since it had a short neck it couldn't reach up to the leaves on the tall leaves and starved to death.
THE GREEN BUGS the beginning of the natural section collection
This painting shows the very first stage of natural selection. This is when the whole environment is green and the bugs have camouflage. There are 3 paintings that go along with this collection be sure to see them all.
Habitat Change
This painting represents the change happening in the habitat. As fall comes around the habitat of the habitat around the bugs turns red their green color exposes them. See what happens in the final painting of the natural selection collection.
The finally of the collection of natural selection
This painting shows the final step of natural selection which is the green bug turning red. As the green bugs breed, but the environment turns red the offspring's of the bugs will turn redder and redder to blend in and help them camouflage with the environment.
An adaptation
This shows the basic adaptations of a seals adaptation. Adaptations are things that an animal gets from evolution that help it survive depending on it's environment.
The adaptations of a Koala
This is an image of a koala for my example of adaptations the Koala will be our example. Adaptions are like natural selection but they are not the same. This will be another pack of paintings showing adaptations. The painter called them The Arts Of Adaptation.
The circumstances of where tis it lives
Now comes to part of where the Kola bear chooses to dwell or live. Adaptations revolve and are based off of where the animal lives. Kola's specifically choose to live in eucalyptus leave forests so in the next photo we get to see how the Kola has adapted to survive to the best of it's ability in these forests.
The final to the Arts of Adaptation
This is the final photo to the Arts of Adaptation collection we see a Kola with it's adaptation listed around it. We will go over a few so readers better understand this piece of art. One of the things pointed out is the Kola's stumic. If the Koala is sliding up and down tree's all day it's going to need some coverage. Another one would be the amazing balance of a Kola. To sit in tree's and eat you need balance. On the chart there are many more, but we want it to be interactive for the viewer. So you figure what the rest are for.
The Genetics
As we come to our last piece in the museum we have genetics. We have a simple diagram showing dominant and recessive jeans. This is what makes up our genetics. If we dig deeper you can see that in the DNA there are strands and bases. If there is a flaw in this strand and two bases don't match up there is a mutation.