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QR Challenge: venatio clocariorum

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. forfex-They are used ad (for the purpose of)-a. scribendum b. incidendum c. dormiendum d. ambulandumb
2. tabula-What color is it?-a. atra b. viridis c. alba d. rubrac
3. calamus-How many are there?-a. unus b. duo c. tres d. quattuorb
4. indusium-Which is not clothing?-a. paenula b. caliga c. stola d. poculumd
5. fenestra-Which Latin phrase shares something in common with the components of a fenestra?a. in vitro b. pro bono c. amicus curiae d. quid pro quoa
6. armarium-Which are you likely to find in armario? a. bos b. integumentum c. collyra d. regiab
7. fons-of-- a. lactis b. pecuniae c. aquae d. tabernarumc
8. tintinabulum-What do bells do? a. resonant b. clamant c. dicunt d. inveniunta
9. libri in bibliotheca-They contain fabulas de--a. ludis b. imperatoribus c. stellis d. deisd
10. imago photographica-Cara is Mayor Goodman's ? ? a.mater b. soror c. filia d. filiusc
11. officium-Who works here? a. Lanista DeSantis b. Magister Lamb c. discipuli d. Decanus Novus-Vird
12. latrina-Which verb asks permission to visit this place? a. est b. ambulat c. vistitat d. licetd
13. mensa-Which word best describes the room in which you found the mensam? a. gravis b. brevis c. immanis d. minimusc
14. arbor-Where is this tree planted?-a. humi b. agro c. litore d. caeloa
15. scamnum-How would you command people to use this space? a. stamus b. considite c. pellunt d. dormiob
16. receptaculum-Latin inscription, but the Latin is bad. What are they trying to say? Hint (Nos sumus ex hoc loco)we are out of here
17. campus-Which is not a synonym for campus? a. ager b. arvum c. raeda d. areac
18. ianuae--These doors open a. dextrorsum b. sinistrorsum c. extrorsum d. introrsumc
19. tropaeum--fabricatum e/ex a. argento b. aureo c. ligneo d. harenisa
20. tabula orbis-Ubi Katharina Knutsen studet? a. in Terra Mariae b. in Californiense c. in Novo Eburaco d. in Massaciusettad
21. tabula chemica--Quid est numerus plumbi? a. XXXII b. XXCII c. CXII d. LXXXIId


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__incidendum c.__dormiendum d.__ambulandum

Question 1 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__viridis c.__alba d._rubra

Question 2 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__duo c.__tres d.__quattuor

Question 3 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__pro_bono c.__amicus_curiae d.__quid_pro_quo

Question 5 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge ___b.__integumentum c.__collyra _d.__regia

Question 6 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__pecuniae c.__aquae d.__tabernarum

Question 7 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__clamant c.__dicunt d.__inveniunt

Question 8 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__imperatoribus c.__stellis d.__deis

Question 9 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge's__?_?_a.mater b.__soror c.__filia d.__filius

Question 10 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge _b.__Magister_Lamb c.__discipuli_d.__Decanus_Novus-Vir

Question 11 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge _b.__ambulat c.__vistitat d._licet

Question 12 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__brevis c.__immanis d.__minimus

Question 13 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__agro c.__litore d.__caelo

Question 14 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__considite c.__pellunt d.__dormio

Question 15 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge,_but_the_Latin_is_bad.__What_are_they_trying_to_say?__Hint_(Nos_sumus_ex__hoc_loco)

Question 16 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__arvum c.__raeda d.__area

Question 17 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__sinistrorsum c.__extrorsum d.__introrsum

Question 18 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__aureo c.__ligneo d._harenis

Question 19 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__in_Californiense c.__in_Novo_Eburaco d.__in_Massaciusetta

Question 20 (of 21)


venatio clocariorum: QR Challenge b.__XXCII c.__CXII d.__LXXXII

Question 21 (of 21)