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QR Challenge: World History Chapter 27 Review

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. the distribution of United Fruit Company land to peasants16
2. the United States discovered that he planned to impose a trade embargo on it6
3. ethnic and religious conflicts arose.13
4. A dominating influence of one country or group over another3
5. It tried to organize a rebel army to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs7
6. They would have access to loans from powerful financial institutions5
7. the nationalization of all American companies in Cuba17
8. longstanding resentment of U.S. imperialism in Panama1
9. denied basic rights to blacks, Asians, and mixed-raced peoples.14
10. apartheid15
11. It imposed a drastic free market policy that eventually helped Chile prosper.8
12. superpowers continued to exert hegemony over poor nations4
13. French imperialism and exploitation of resources.9
14. capitalist with advanced industrial economies2
15. purge all capitalist elements from the country11
16. communist victories.12
17. To prevent South Vietnam from falling to communism10


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 1 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 2 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 3 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 5 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 6 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 7 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 8 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge,_Asians,_and_mixed-raced_peoples.

Question 9 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 10 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 11 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 12 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 13 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 14 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 15 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 16 (of 17)


World History Chapter 27 Review: QR Challenge

Question 17 (of 17)