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1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Question | Answer |
1. Find Mrs. Takkunen. Ask her to tell you witch gammars errors bug you the mostest. | don’t warn her. | 2. Have your Senior mentor watch you open your locker 5 times. You must make sure that it is locked in between each time. Once you are finished, Mr. Fiskum will give you a ticket. | Mr. Fiskum needs to be supervising the 7th grade locker area. | 3. Find Mrs. Youngbauer's room and ask her for a piece of gum and a ticket. Then ask her why you CANNOT chew gum in her class. | Mrs. Youngbauer needs gum for each student. | 4. Log onto JMC on any device. Show any teacher to earn a ticket. | Make sure they will all have passwords and know how to log onto JMC. | 5. Take your schedule to your 4th period teacher for Hex 1. Introduce yourself, and let him or her know that you are in their 4th period class. That teacher will double check your schedule and give you a ticket. | Specialty teachers need to have tickets. | 6. Head to the office. Read the signs about all of the different passes you may need throughout the year. Ask the office ladies or your Senior, if you have any questions about these passes. Make sure you know where to sign out in the office, if you need to leave the building during the school day. One of the office ladies will give you a ticket. | Make a sign for the office, and office ladies need tickets | 7. Head to your Junior High locker room. Find and scan a QR code in the locker room. | Hide the next QR code in the locker room. | 8. For Phy. Ed., you need athletic shoes, athletic shorts & shirt, and personal items such as deodorant, shampoo, etc. Now find Mr. Card and ask him what is happening on the first of Phy. Ed., what you need, and where you need to report. He will give you a ticket. | Let Mr. Card know that he needs to be ready to answer the question & be near the locker room. | 9. Take your schedule to your 7th period Hex 1 teacher. Introduce yourself, and ask him or her for a ticket. | Make sure specialty teachers have tickets. | 10. Find Mr. Anderson’s room and ask him what kind of calculator you should get. | Make sure that Mr. Anderson has the calculator form. | 11. Find Mrs. Johnson, the new social studies teacher. Introduce yourself and ask her to tell you about her summer. She will give you a ticket. | Warn the social studies teacher & make sure they have tickets. | 12. There is a QR code is hidden somewhere in the multimedia room. | Hide a QR code in the multimedia room. | 13. Get a ticket from your PT Squared teacher. Ask him or her to explain what to expect during PT Squared. | 7th grade PT2 teachers should have PT Squared procedure on their boards. | 14. Go to the shop class for a ticket. Ask Mr. Moore to tell you about one of the projects that you will be making in shop class this year. Ask him for a ticket. | Give Mr. Moore tickets and let him know about the question. | 15. Find Mrs. Schmitz’s room. To earn a ticket, ask her to share one fun thing she did with her girls this summer. Then ask her where you can hang out after you finish lunch every day. | Sam, make sure they know where they should not go also. | 16. Go get candy and a ticket from Mrs. Lehmkuhl, the counselor, and ask her what to do, if you have a concern that you would like to visit with her about. | Get candy to Miss Edin. | 17. Find Mr. Riewer. To get a ticket, ask him about his upcoming adventure. | Don’t tell Mr. Riewer anything and just let him be surprised when students start asking him questions. | 18. There is a QR code hidden in the Library. | Hide one in the library. | 19. Find the FACS room. Introduce yourself to the second Mr. Moore in the building. Ask him which countries outside of the US he has visited. | Another set of tickets. | 20. Find a custodian and thank them for the hard work! They will give you a ticket. | Get tickets to the custodians. | 21. Find Miss Ervasti in the art room. Draw your best version of a pirate on her whiteboard. To get a ticket show her your amazing art work. | Tickets to Miss Ervasti. Ask her to have some samples ready. | 22. Locate the health room. Find Mr. Van Den Eykel and do 5 push-ups for him to earn a ticket. | Let Mr. Van Den Eykel to be ready to answer questions about family and hobbies. | 23. Go to Mr. Jones' room and log onto a computer. Show him that you have successfully logged in to get a ticket. | Mr. Jones should be in his room & ready to help kids log on. | 24. Ha, Ha! This one is a dud. Keep looking! | dud | 25. Good eyes, but this one is a dud! | dud | 26. Better luck next time! This one is a dud! | dud | 27. Oops! Dud! Nothing on this one! | dud | 28. Drop hints for other teams to find this one! It's a dud. | dud | 29. Dud! | Dud | 30. Keep looking! There is no ticket for this one. Don't for get to look under and behind things. | Dud |
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