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QR Challenge: N5/Higher French Health

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. J’adore le sportI love sport
2. Je n’aime pas rester inactive, j’ai besoin de bougerI don’t like to sit about, I need to move
3. Je préfère les sports collectifs car j’aime appartenir à une équipeI prefer team sports because I like to be in a team
4. C’est l’occasion de se faire des amisIt’s a chance to make friends
5. Ça nous oblige à ne pas penser qu’à soiIt forces us to think of others
6. C’est très important d’avoir l’espirit d’équipeIt’s very important to have team spirit
7. C’est plus amusant de s’entraîner avec des amis que tout seulIt’s more fun to train with friends than to train on your own
8. C’est plus motivantIt is more motivating
9. J’aime les sports individuels comme la natationI like individual sports such as swimming
10. C’est un sport très fatigant qui demande beaucoup de volontéIt’s a very tiring sport which requires lots of willpower
11. Pour arriver à un bon niveau, il faut s’entraîner très souventTo reach a good level, you have to train very often
12. Après, on est content de soi, on est fier de ne pas avoir abandonnéAfterwards, you are pleased with yourself, you are proud because you didn’t give up
13. Je pense que le sport est très important pour la santéI think sport is very important for your health
14. Les sportifs sont souvent des gens débordants d’énergie et dynamiquesSporty people are often dynamic people who are full of energy
15. Pour me tenir en forme, je vais au gymnase au moins trois fois par semaineTo keep fit I go to the gym at least three times a week
16. Je vais à l’entraînement de rugby deux fois par semaine. J’aime bien être actifI go to rugby training twice a week. I like being active
17. Je fais attention à ce que je mangeI watch what I eat
18. Je ne mange pas trop d’aliments grasI don’t eat too much fatty foods
19. Il faut faire des efforts en ne mangeant pas trop de sucreries ni de fritesYou have to make an effort by not eating too many sugary things or chips
20. J’essaie de manger un régime équilibréI try to eat a balanced diet
21. La drogue ? C’est un risque que je ne veux pas courirDrugs ? That’s a risk I don’t want to take
22. Ceux qui boivent trop d’alcool risquent d’en subir des conséquences aprèsThose who drink too much alcohol run the risk of consequences afterwards
23. Il ne faut jamais fumer. La cigarette peut être néfaste à la santéYou should never smoke. Cigarettes can be harmful to your health


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’adore_le_sport

Question 1 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’aime_pas_rester_inactive,_j’ai_besoin_de_bouger

Question 2 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeéfère_les_sports_collectifs_car_j’aime_appartenir_à_une_équipe

Question 3 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’est_l’occasion_de_se_faire_des_amis

Question 4 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR ChallengeÇa_nous_oblige_à_ne_pas_penser_qu’à_soi

Question 5 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’est_très_important_d’avoir_l’espirit_d’équipe

Question 6 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’est_plus_amusant_de_s’entraîner_avec_des_amis_que_tout_seul

Question 7 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’est_plus_motivant

Question 8 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’aime_les_sports_individuels_comme_la_natation

Question 9 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’est_un_sport_très_fatigant_qui_demande_beaucoup_de_volonté

Question 10 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeà_un_bon_niveau,_il_faut_s’entraîner_très_souvent

Question 11 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeès,_on_est_content_de_soi,_on_est_fier_de_ne_pas_avoir_abandonné

Question 12 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeès_important_pour_la_santé

Question 13 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeébordants_d’énergie_et_dynamiques

Question 14 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge,_je_vais_au_gymnase_au_moins_trois_fois_par_semaine

Question 15 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeà_l’entraînement_de_rugby_deux_fois_par_semaine._J’aime_bien_être_actif

Question 16 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeà_ce_que_je_mange

Question 17 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’aliments_gras

Question 18 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge

Question 19 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’essaie_de_manger_un_régime_équilibré

Question 20 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’est_un_risque_que_je_ne_veux_pas_courir

Question 21 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challenge’alcool_risquent_d’en_subir_des_conséquences_après

Question 22 (of 23)


N5/Higher French Health: QR Challengeêtre_néfaste_à_la_santé

Question 23 (of 23)