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1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Question | Answer |
1. 1.What decade was Punk music most associated with? | 1970 | 2. 2.What one of these concepts gives the effect of changing the SIZE of a room? Chorus, EQ, Noise Gate, Reverb | Reverb | 3. 3.Put these styles in chronological order: Electronic / Dance Music, Ragtime, Punk, Skiffle, 60’s Pop, Synth Pop | Ragtime, Skiffle, 60's Pop, Punk, Synth Pop | 4. 4.What TWO answers would you choose from if you were asked to comment on the TONALITY of a piece of music? | major / minor | 5. 5.What effect would you add to a source sound if you wanted to boost the lower frequencies and make it sound ‘warmer’? | Low EQ boost | 6. 6.Name the effect: An effect whereby the natural decay of the reverb is cut off sharply, resulting in a rather startling unfinished sound. The effect is most often used on drums and gives a powerful, if slightly obvious, sound. | gated reverb | 7. 7.Give TWO production features found in Hip Hop music. | Rapping, drum machines, turntables | 8. 8.What style of music is the technological development ‘Player Piano’ most associated with? | Ragtime | 9. 9.Name the style: Music from the southern states of the USA that developed through the 1920s and encompasses both American folk music and music from the western part of the USA. | Country Music | 10. 10.Name this fault and fix it: When the ‘p’ or b’ sound of a vocalist is too prominent in a recording. | Popping / Blasting - Use a pop shield | 11. 11.Name this fault: When the ‘s’ sound is too prominent in a vocal recording. | Sibilance | 12. 12.You are recording a trumpet solo in a studio. Name the type of mic you would use, the polar pattern and the mic placement / distance. | Dynamic, Cardioid, close mic to the bell of the trumpet | 13. 13.You are recording 2 backing singers. Name the type of mic you would use, the polar pattern and the mic placement / distance. | Condenser, Figure of 8, close to mouths of singers with pop shields | 14. 14.Name this technological development: Coin-operated vinyl players where the customer would select the track to be heard. They were most popular between the 1940s and the 1960s although the peak of their success was in the rock ‘n’ roll era of the 1950s. | Jukebox | 15. 15.Give TWO production features found in Synth Pop. | Synthesizer / Drum Machine | 16. 16.Name this effect: An electronic effect used in rock music to colour the sound of an electric guitar. It gives a 'fuzzy' sound rather than the usual clean sound. | Distortion | 17. 17.Name this rhythmic concept: Gradually getting slower in tempo. | Rallentando | 18. 18.Name this texture: Texture where melody is heard with accompaniment or where all the parts play a similar rhythm at the same time. | Homophonic | 19. 19. Name this style: A style of music popular in Britain throughout the 1950s combining folk, blues and country music. Humorous lyrics and acoustic instruments. | Skiffle | 20. 20. You are recording a singer and the recording has distorted. When you record it again, what TWO changes would you make so that it does not distort again? | Move mic further away, turn down gain |
Question 1 (of 20)
Question 2 (of 20)
Question 3 (of 20)
Question 4 (of 20)
Question 5 (of 20)
Question 6 (of 20)
Question 7 (of 20)
Question 8 (of 20)
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Question 10 (of 20)
Question 11 (of 20)
Question 12 (of 20)
Question 13 (of 20)
Question 14 (of 20)
Question 15 (of 20)
Question 16 (of 20)
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Question 19 (of 20)
Question 20 (of 20)