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QR Challenge: Music Trivia 2016

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. 1) What was the name of the song by Pharrell Williams which begins with the lyrics, 'It might sound crazy what I'm about to say..'?Happy
2. 2) How many beats does a whole note get?4
3. 3)Complete the song title from the Lego Movie, 'Everything is...'?Awesome
4. 4) What note can be played on the recorder using only the middle finger in the front?D
5. 5) What talent show did the group Little Mix win: a. Britain's Got Talent, b. The Voice, c. The X Factor (UK)?C
6. 6) Which of the following songs features Ed Sheeran performing a professional dance routine in the music video: a. Don't, b. Thinking Out Loud, c. Lego House?B
7. 7) What composer wrote the piano song "Fur Elise"?Beethoven
8. 8)Lukas Graham currently has a song on the top of the charts. What is it called?7 years
9. 9) What Canadian artist recently released the song "One Dance"?Drake
10. 10) What super famous British group was made up of members Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and George Harrison?The Beatles
11. 11) What are the first names of the original five members of One Direction?Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn
12. 12) What is the name of Beyoncé's husband who is a famous rapper?Jay-Z
13. 13) What country singer is a judge on the tv show "The Voice"?Blake Shelton
14. 14) What is the name of the lead singer of the band Hedley?Jacob Hoggard
15. 15) What are the louds and softs in music called?Dynamics
16. 16) What word do we use to describe how fast or slow a song is?tempo
17. 17) What word is spelled using the spaces of the treble clef from bottom to top?Face
18. 18) Uptown Funk is a song featuring Bruno Mars by what artist?Mark Ronson
19. 19) What Canadian artist had a hit with the song "Call Me Maybe"?Carly-Rae Jepsen
20. 20) Which song is not on Taylor Swift's 1989 album: a)Blank Space b)Mean c)Out of the WoodsC
21. 21) What country band does the song "Chicken Fried"?Zac Brown Band
22. 22) The partner song for Rufus Rustus is called what?Chicken
23. 23) How many beats is a half note worth?2
24. 24) What artist was known as "The King of Pop" and died in 2009?Michael Jackson
25. 25) How many keys are on a standard piano?88
26. 26) How many strings are on a violin?4
27. 27) What instrument is the largest member of the brass family?Tuba
28. 28) What artist died this year at age 57 from an accidental drug overdose?Prince
29. 29) What song starts with the lyrics: "For all the times that you rain on my parade and all the clubs you get in using my name"?Love Yourself
30. 30) What does a double bar with two dots at the end of a piece of music mean?Repeat
31. 31) What note can be played on the recorder using your thumb and the three fingers of your left hand?G
32. 32) Ruth B's "Lost Boy" talks about characters from what Disney movie?Peter Pan
33. 33) What Canadian teenage artist became famous after he began posting song covers on the popular video sharing application Vine?Shawn Mendes
34. 34) How many beats is a quarter note worth?1
35. 35) When a group sings the same song but starts the song at different times, what is that called?A round
36. 36) When we are writing rhythms and want there to be no sound, what do we use?A rest
37. 37) What Newfoundland group was Alan Doyle part of?Great Big Sea
38. 38) What Newfoundland folk song has the lyrics "Fogo, Twillingate, Morton's Harbour, all around the circle"?I'se the B'y
39. 39) What female pop star is headlining a concert in Paradise, Newfoundland in September?Selena Gomez
40. 40) What female pop star is originally from Barbados?Rihanna
41. 41) The well known song from Beethoven's 9th Symphony that can be played on the recorder is called what?Ode to Joy
42. 42) Who is the lead singer of Maroon 5?Adam Levine
43. 43) What 90s boy band was Justin Timberlake a member of?NSYNC
44. 44) What is the total number of beats of two whole notes, two half notes and two quarter notes?14
45. 45) What is the highest pitched woodwind instrument in our school band?Flute
46. 46) Name one of the two boys who play guitar for our school's choirsIssac Shannahan or Spenser Murphy
47. 47)What is the title of the Music Monday theme song?We Are One
48. 48) The song "The Last Post" is played on Remembrance Day on what instrument?Trumpet
49. 49) What is the name of the 4-stringed instrument that looks like a mini guitar?Ukelele
50. 50) What brass instrument uses a slide to change notes?Trombone


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_'It_might_sound_crazy_what_I'm_about_to_say..'?

Question 1 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 2 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_'Everything_is...'?

Question 3 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge's_Got_Talent,_b._The_Voice,_c._The_X_Factor_(UK)?

Question 5 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge't,_b._Thinking_Out_Loud,_c._Lego_House?

Question 6 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"Fur_Elise"?

Question 7 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 8 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"One_Dance"?

Question 9 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_Ringo_Starr,_John_Lennon_and_George_Harrison?

Question 10 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 11 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challengeé's_husband_who_is_a_famous_rapper?

Question 12 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"The_Voice"?

Question 13 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 14 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 15 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 16 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 17 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 18 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"Call_Me_Maybe"?

Question 19 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge's_1989_album:_a)Blank_Space_b)Mean_c)Out_of_the_Woods

Question 20 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"Chicken_Fried"?

Question 21 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 22 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 23 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"The_King_of_Pop"_and_died_in_2009?

Question 24 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 25 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 26 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 27 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 28 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"For_all_the_times_that_you_rain_on_my_parade_and_all_the_clubs_you_get_in_using_my_name"?

Question 29 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 30 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 31 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge's_"Lost_Boy"_talks_about_characters_from_what_Disney_movie?

Question 32 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 33 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 34 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_what_is_that_called?

Question 35 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_what_do_we_use?

Question 36 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 37 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"Fogo,_Twillingate,_Morton's_Harbour,_all_around_the_circle"?

Question 38 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_Newfoundland_in_September?

Question 39 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 40 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge's_9th_Symphony_that_can_be_played_on_the_recorder_is_called_what?

Question 41 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 42 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 43 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge,_two_half_notes_and_two_quarter_notes?

Question 44 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 45 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge's_choirs

Question 46 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 47 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge"The_Last_Post"_is_played_on_Remembrance_Day_on_what_instrument?

Question 48 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 49 (of 50)


Music Trivia 2016: QR Challenge

Question 50 (of 50)