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QR Challenge: Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Look for clues, but don't get stressed... Just take a look where you get dressed!Armário da roupa
2. Well done. Now lets look for clue number two. Don't laugh too much but it is hiding near the place that you Poo!Sanita
3. Finding the third clue will be a treat! Just look for it where you get something to eat!Cozinha
4. Now that you're fed, go and look for the clue where you lay your headQuarto-almofada
5. The next place to look is the place where you can find a bookBiblioteca sala de matraquilhos
6. Have you heard the news? The next clue can be found where we keep our shoes!Caixa dos sapatos
7. Looking for the missing link? Take a peek in the sink!Lava louças
8. Wanting more? Why don't you check the front door?Porta da frente
9. Looking for the final prize? Go where you can look into your own eyes.Espelho casa de banho
10. Two times a day is crucial. Your pearly whites need me. I keep them strong and healthy, Clean and . . . cavity-free.Escova dos dentes
11. You eat me for breakfast. I’m boxed and rather dry.Cereais
12. I am a special place, Yet quite a mystery. For adults may love me and children dislike me. Oh what, oh what could I be?Cama
13. Someone is here. But how do you know? Use your ears, Before they go.Campainha da porta
14. In a hamper goes dirty smelly clothes. Find the next clue by following your noseBalde da roupa suja
15. Look where things are kept fresh and cold; it stops the food from getting oldFrigorífico
16. Time to get another... Ok here we go... it's patiently waiting for you where we dry our clothesEstendal da roupa
17. It's not in a shoe, it's not in a jar. This next clue is hidden where we park the car.Garagem
18. I have four legs to keep me stable. Look for your next clue under the _____.Mesa
19. The next clue's hiding place rhymes with chairs. Why don't you look under the _____Stairs (escadas para a garagem)
20. Go to where the water flows. You may even find a hose.Mangueira
21. The next clue is hidden in a place that can get very HOT! Inside it you can even place a pot!Forno
22. You have a lot of them, they come in a pair. They are made to wear, but can get really stinky!Meias
23. When your clothes get dirty, this is where they go. This is where they'll find some water and soap!Máquina da roupa
24. It's a rather large box. It is something easy to see. You may watch movies in it. Why not look in the ___TV
25. I know that you want to be inside... But first you'll need to check the car in which you rideToyota


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge,_but_don't_get_stressed..._Just_take_a_look_where_you_get_dressed!

Question 1 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge't_laugh_too_much_but_it_is_hiding_near_the_place_that_you_Poo!

Question 2 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge!_Just_look_for_it_where_you_get_something_to_eat!

Question 3 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge're_fed,_go_and_look_for_the_clue_where_you_lay_your_head

Question 4 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge

Question 5 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge!

Question 6 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge!

Question 7 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge't_you_check_the_front_door?

Question 8 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge

Question 9 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge,_Clean_and_._._._cavity-free.

Question 10 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge’m_boxed_and_rather_dry.

Question 11 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge,_Yet_quite_a_mystery._For_adults_may_love_me_and_children_dislike_me._Oh_what,_oh_what_could_I_be?

Question 12 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge,_Before_they_go.

Question 13 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge

Question 14 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge;_it_stops_the_food_from_getting_old

Question 15 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge's_patiently_waiting_for_you_where_we_dry_our_clothes

Question 16 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge's_not_in_a_shoe,_it's_not_in_a_jar._This_next_clue_is_hidden_where_we_park_the_car.

Question 17 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge

Question 18 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge's_hiding_place_rhymes_with_chairs._Why_don't_you_look_under_the______

Question 19 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge

Question 20 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge!_Inside_it_you_can_even_place_a_pot!

Question 21 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge,_they_come_in_a_pair._They_are_made_to_wear,_but_can_get_really_stinky!

Question 22 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge,_this_is_where_they_go._This_is_where_they'll_find_some_water_and_soap!

Question 23 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge's_a_rather_large_box._It_is_something_easy_to_see._You_may_watch_movies_in_it._Why_not_look_in_the____

Question 24 (of 25)


Caça ao Tesouro da Páscoa: QR Challenge'll_need_to_check_the_car_in_which_you_ride

Question 25 (of 25)