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QR Challenge: Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. What is a Sonata?Solo instrument and piano, or solo piano
2. What is a tremolando?String technique – fast repetition of a note
3. What is an Oratorio?A story from the bible set to music, like an opera, features recitative, arias, duets, chorus
4. A style of music which is a song sung in German with piano accompaniment.Lied
5. What style of music started around the start of the 20th Century, and features whole tone and chromatic scales?Impressionism
6. The name for a style of music which is made of recordings of everyday sounds.Musique Concrete
7. Monk Music – Sacred music sung by monks. Monophonic and Modal (also Organum). What am I?Plainchant
8. Describe a MassSacred work using set Latin Text
9. What Instruments are in a string quartet?Violin x2, Viola, ‘Cello
10. What is Recitative and what style of music can it be found in?Have spoken, half sung, used in Opera to move the story along faster
11. What is the name for music written for a small group of instruments?Chamber Music
12. The word used to describe music which is repeated, but gets faster because the note lengths get halvedDiminution
13. A modern style of music in which Jazz is fused with more modern pop and rock ideas?Jazz Funk
14. What is the name for the scale used in early music (Renaissance)?Mode
15. What is the relationship between G Major and E Minor?Relative Major/Minor
16. The name given for the distance between 2 notesInterval
17. The name given to a short note, the same as a grace noteAcciaccatura
18. What is a mordent?Note, note below, note
19. What chords form a Plagal Cadence?IV-I
20. What is a Pibroch?(N5)Solo bagpipe piece
21. What are Harmonics and what instrument plays them?High pitched sounds played by string instruments.
22. An interrupted cadence is form of what chords?V-vi
23. When a piece is in a minor key and finishes on a major chordTierce de Picardie
24. What chord is formed of built up minor 3rds?Dimished 7th
25. What is Augmentation?When the note lengths are longer, it gets slower
26. Describe the form of a piece which goes ABCDEFGThrough Composed
27. Describe a Concerto Grosso and the concepts associated with it.Small group of soloists – concertino, larger group of accompanying orchestra – ripieno
28. What is a Basso Continuo?Harpsichord and bass instrument like cello or viol, used to fill in the missing harmonies when there were not enough instruments to play all the parts.
29. What is Ritornello?The A section which keeps coming back in Rondo form – ABACADA…
30. What is A Cappella?Unaccompanied vocal music.
31. When was the end of the Renaissance period, and what period follow it?1600, Baroque
32. How would you recognise a Pavan and what dance is it usually paired with?Renaissance dance with 2 beats in a bar, Galliard
33. How would you recognise a Galliard?Renaissance dance with 3 beats in a bar
34. What is a Motet?Sacred work, Baroque, Latin text but not set.
35. In what style of Renaissance music would you find a "Fa La La" Refrain?Ballett
36. What is a Madrigal?Renaissance popular music, English, secular
37. What is an Anthem?Sacred vocal piece sung in English (English version of a Motet)
38. Describe what you would hear in a Neo-Classical style piece.Classical concepts, but made modern by more adventurous instrumentation, harmony, etc
39. Describe the concepts used in Serialism.Tone/Note Row, Inversion, Retrograde, Atonality, Chromatic Scale
40. What is a Chorale?German Hymn Tune
41. What is the name for a style of music where the composer writes with strong influences of his/her home country?Nationalism
42. Daft Punk, Calvin Harris, Club type rubbishy music is known as...?Electronic Dance Music
43. A combination of Jazz and more modern instruments and techniques...Contemporary Jazz
44. The name of an ornament which sounds like a leaning note?Appoggiatura
45. Describe how a Turn would be played.Note, note above, note, note below, note.
46. What is a suspension?When a note from a chord is carried over to the next one, causing a dissonance, which is then resolved.
47. What is the interval from B-F?Tritone
48. The woodwind are playing in the key of A Major, the Brass are playing in the key of F Major, the Percussionists never know what key they are in, so have chosen D Major on this occasion, and nobody likes the strings so they are not here. What do you hear?Polytonality
49. In what style of music is a Note Row found?Serialism
50. What is the name for the concept when the music gives the impression of going between duple and triple time?Hemiola
51. Describe a Fugue and the concepts found in itSubject, Countersubject, Answer, Exposition, Stretto, Polyphonic/Contrapuntal
52. In the Renaissance period, when there are 2 separate choirs at opposite sides of the stage to create a stereo effect.Antiphonal
53. Name the interval between C - G5th
54. The name for a group of Lieder played togetherSong Cycle
55. The name for a group of instruments of the same family playing together, like a group of recorders or viols.Consort
56. Very high, pure sounding male voiceCounter Tenor
57. A style of singing in German which is half spoken, half sungSprechgesang
58. In my ensemble are a clarinet, piano and 'cello. What kind of group do I play in?Piano Trio


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 1 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 2 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 3 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_and_features_whole_tone_and_chromatic_scales?

Question 5 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 6 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge–_Sacred_music_sung_by_monks._Monophonic_and_Modal_(also_Organum)._What_am_I?

Question 7 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 8 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 9 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 10 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 11 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_but_gets_faster_because_the_note_lengths_get_halved

Question 12 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 13 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 14 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 15 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 16 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_the_same_as_a_grace_note

Question 17 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 18 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 19 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 20 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 21 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 22 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 23 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 24 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 25 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 26 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 27 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 28 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 29 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 30 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_and_what_period_follow_it?

Question 31 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 32 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 33 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 34 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge"Fa_La_La"_Refrain?

Question 35 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 36 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 37 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 38 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 39 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 40 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 41 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_Calvin_Harris,_Club_type_rubbishy_music_is_known_as...?

Question 42 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 43 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 44 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 45 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 46 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 47 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_the_Brass_are_playing_in_the_key_of_F_Major,_the_Percussionists_never_know_what_key_they_are_in,_so_have_chosen_D_Major_on_this_occasion,_and_nobody_likes_the_strings_so_they_are_not_here._What_do_you_hear?

Question 48 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 49 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 50 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 51 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_when_there_are_2_separate_choirs_at_opposite_sides_of_the_stage_to_create_a_stereo_effect.

Question 52 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 53 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge

Question 54 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_like_a_group_of_recorders_or_viols.

Question 55 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_pure_sounding_male_voice

Question 56 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_half_sung

Question 57 (of 58)


Higher/Advanced Higher Music 23.3.18: QR Challenge,_piano_and_'cello._What_kind_of_group_do_I_play_in?

Question 58 (of 58)