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QR Challenge: GCSE Music students

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Name three composers of LiederSchubert, Schumann and Brahms
2. When composers put Romantic Song in to a set, what was this called?A Song Cycle
3. Where were Lieder originally performed?Confined settings, small audience in a private house
4. What is the term used to describe music where each verse is set to the same music?Stropic
5. What is the term used to describe music where each verse is set to different music?Through-Composed
6. What language are Lieder usually performed in?German
7. What type of texture is most commonly used in Lieder?Melody and Accompaniment
8. What themes are usually explored in the words of a Lied?Emotional themes, love, sadness, loss or anger
9. What themes do Pop Ballads usually explore through their lyrics?Relationships and love
10. Name two pop ballad performersElton John, Ellie Goulding, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce
11. What is a melisma?When word syllable is sung to many notes
12. What vocal techniques are often used in Pop Ballads?Ornamentation, melismas, rubato, large range, long held notes
13. What type of lyrics are used in a Pop Ballad?Sentimental or romantic lyrics
14. Describe the tempo of Pop BalladsA slow tempo
15. What metre is used in Pop Ballads?4/4 metre
16. Describe the harmonic pace of a Pop BalladSlow Harmonic Pace
17. What form is used in Pop Ballads?Verse-Chorus
18. Which beats does the drum pattern accentuate in a Pop Ballad?The Snare Drum, accents beats 2 and 4
19. Which studio effect is often used on the vocal line to create a warmer sound in Pop Ballads?Reverb
20. How many movements does a concerto normally contain?Three movements, fast-slow-fast
21. What is a concerto?A work for a solo instruments (or two or more soloists occasionally) and orchestra
22. Name two famous Classical concerto composersMozart and Haydn
23. In the Classical Concerto, often there would be rapid scales, extreme registers, large leaps and ornamentation. Which section within the structure of a concerto is this most likely to be found? And what word can we use to describe this kind of playing?Cadenza, Virtuosic
24. There are many styles of Jazz, however, which section in a piece of Jazz would unite the various styles?Improvised sections
25. What type of rhythm would you expect to hear in a piece of Jazz Music?Syncopated, swung
26. What type of bassline is used in Jazz Music?Walking Bass
27. What type of vocal technique is used in Jazz music?Scat Singing
28. What type of scale is Jazz Music based on?Blues Scale, a major scale with a flattened third, fifth and seventh
29. What is comping- a technique used in Jazz music?When a pianist accompanies an improvised solo by playing simple chords
30. What is a sitar?A plucked string instruments with frets
31. What is the difference between a Sarod and a Sitar? Both of which are instruments used in Indian –Classical MusicA sarod has no frets, but a sitar does. The Sarod player creates lots of glissandos as they are able to slide easily between notes
32. What are Tabla?A pair of small drums
33. What three elements does Indian Classical Music consist of?A melody line, a rhythmic pattern and a drone
34. What is the scale called that the melody in Indian Classical music is based on?A Raga
35. Which instrument plays the drone in a piece of Indian Classical music?The Tanpura – a plucked string instrument with four strings
36. What are the three sections in Indian Classical Music?Alap, Gat, Jhalla – Alap is free and slow and doesn’t use the tabla, Gat, the tabla enters, in the Jhalla, the tempo gets faster and more virtuosic
37. What does the word Gamelan refer to?A set of tuned percussion instruments
38. Where does Gamelan come from?Indonesia – the Islands of Java and Bali
39. Which two scales can a Gamelan be tuned to?A slendro or a pelog
40. How is the music structured in Gamelan?In cycles, one cycle is called a gongan, and the end is marked with a stroke on the large gong
41. Who leads a Gamelan?The drummer
42. What is Chamber music?Instrumental music performed by a small group of players. Originally performed in a small room, thus the name ‘Chamber’
43. What were the two most popular types of chamber music in the late Baroque period?Solo Sonatas, Trio Sonatas
44. What were the two most popular types of chamber music in the Classical period?String Quartet and Wind Quintet
45. How many movements does a Baroque sonata contain?At least four short movements
46. What is an Oratorio?A Large-Scale work for Vocal soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
47. An oratorio contains a number of movements, these include, an Aria, Recitative and a Chorus, but what are these?Aria – movement for the soloist, accompanied by the orchestra. Recitative – A short section for a soloist, accompanied by a few instruments, the singing sounds more speech like. Chorus – a movement for the choir and orchestra
48. Where would African a cappella songs be performed?At religious ceremonies and other occasions such as weddings and funerals
49. What texture is popular in African a cappella music?Homophonic
50. What sort of rhythms are used in African a cappella music?Syncopated, complex rhythms
51. Are African a cappella songs mainly in a major or minor key?Major
52. How do the parts in an African a cappella song move together?In parallel thirds
53. Where did Waltz originate?Austria, Vienna
54. Name two composers of WaltzesStrauss, Tchaikovsky and Lanner
55. What metre are Waltzes written in?3/4
56. How would you describe the phrases in a piece of Waltz music?Regular 4 bar balanced phrases, with smooth and flowing melodies
57. What structure is most commonly used in a Waltz?Binary Form
58. Where did Tango originate?In Argentina, Buenos Aires
59. What metre is Tango music usually written in?2/4
60. True or false = The melodies in Tango are often chromaticTrue
61. What is Salsa based on?Son – a type of music from Cuba that combines Spanish and African elements
62. What metre is Salsa music written in?4/4
63. Which instrument plays the rhythm in Salsa?The claves (two wooden sticks)
64. What tonality is most frequently used in Salsa music?Major
65. True or False – In American Line Dance, the melodies are usually very repetitive and have a narrow range, they are structured in regular four bar phrasesTrue
66. What structure is used in American Line Dance?Verse-Chorus
67. What is the difference in metre between a Jig and a Reel?A jig is in compound time, a reel is in simple time
68. What intervals are most commonly used in the melodies of Irish Jig and Reel?small intervals, particularly 4ths and 5ths
69. What metre is Bhangra written in?4/4
70. What is the most important rhythm in Bhangra known as?The chaal, a repeated eight-note pattern played on the dohl
71. What language is Bhangra performed in?Punjab
72. What tempo does most Disco music follow?120bpm
73. What is a hook?A catchy motif that is repeated during a song
74. In Club Dance, samples are used, but what is this?When short chunks of recorded sound taken from a different track are used
75. What is the phrase structure of Club Dance Music?4 and 8 bar phrases – regular phrases


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 1 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge,_what_was_this_called?

Question 2 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 3 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 7 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 8 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 9 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 10 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 11 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 12 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 13 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 15 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 16 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 19 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 20 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 21 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 22 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge,_often_there_would_be_rapid_scales,_extreme_registers,_large_leaps_and_ornamentation._Which_section_within_the_structure_of_a_concerto_is_this_most_likely_to_be_found?_And_what_word_can_we_use_to_describe_this_kind_of_playing?

Question 23 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge,_however,_which_section_in_a_piece_of_Jazz_would_unite_the_various_styles?

Question 24 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 25 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 30 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge–Classical_Music

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 45 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 46 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge,_these_include,_an_Aria,_Recitative_and_a_Chorus,_but_what_are_these?

Question 47 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 48 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 49 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 50 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 51 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 55 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 59 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 60 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 61 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 62 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 63 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 64 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge–_In_American_Line_Dance,_the_melodies_are_usually_very_repetitive_and_have_a_narrow_range,_they_are_structured_in_regular_four_bar_phrases

Question 65 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 67 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 68 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 69 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 70 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 71 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 72 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 73 (of 75)


GCSE Music students: QR Challenge,_samples_are_used,_but_what_is_this?

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GCSE Music students: QR Challenge

Question 75 (of 75)