Arcade Game Generator: Overview.

This is a powerful interface: you create one set of questions, then you can choose from four different interactive quizzes.
Your question sets can be saved for future development and editing, and even hosted on a website as HTML pages!
Note for Web Developers:
After saving a quiz, you can dynamically direct players to a particular type of game by appending a querystring function to the end of the hyperlink pointing to the game, thus allowing you to create several separate games from one master quiz. The format is as follows:
quiz.htm = Default
quiz.htm?GP=manic = Manic Miner
quiz.htm?GP=wordshoot = Wordshoot
quiz.htm?GP=cannonball = CannonBall Fun
quiz.htm?GP=pairs = Matching Pairs
For my fellow geeks - in case you were wondering, I use the prefix "GP" to signify "Game Preselected".