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"Spelling Unit 8": HTML5 Crossword


2. His what caused him to lose friends? (7)
5. The hat will do what for you from the rain? (6)
6. The driver slowed down because of what type of sign? (5)
8. Paint was peeling from the what? (7)
9. His what is in sixth grade? (5)
10. She will try to want to get good grades? (7)
12. He spends his what time fishing? (7)
15. The police often caught the what type of person that steals from people? (5)
16. The sales clerk handed her the what after she purchased her items? (7)
18. We heard her what with laughter? (6)
19. At the signal, do what with the ball and run? (5)


1. I thought the movie had a what type of ending? (5)
3. The what type of wind blew the door open? (6)
4. The queen's what lasted for fifty years? (5)
5. The town was under what for two months? (5)
7. A puppy often gets into what? (8)
11. The horse pulled the what down the slope? (6)
13. You will what the letter in the mail? (7)
14. It was a what to have the test over? (6)
17. Her sad expression reveled her what? (5)

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