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The Political Profile of Carter Gramiak 
Carter Gramiak
Diamond 9 Diagram
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In my opinion, the main difference between Left and Right is that people on the RIght lean towards a more traditional stance, while people on the left are more open to changes.  
Yes. All humans should be able to enjoy the same fundamental rights and these should be protected by law.
The courts should try to reform and educate criminals so they will not want to commit any more crimes. Too much stress on ‘punishment’ makes them bitter and more likely to commit further crimes.
Multi-national communities are vibrant and forward-looking. We should do everything we can to demolish barriers between nations and cultures.
We should use positive discrimination – e.g. requiring that businesses employ a certain amount of women, disabled people and racial minorities. Only in this way can we really start to break down prejudices in society.
Key industries like the railways should be consolidated, run and supported by the government on behalf of the nation ('nationalisation'). Private ownership of business leads to short-term profit making, not long-term investment.
The government should carry out policies which are idealistic and just (‘What is right’). Revolution (rapid change) rather than evolution (slow change) is the way forward - moving slowly too often means not moving at all
High Taxes to pay for lots of public services (e.g. free education, pensions, healthcare) especially for disadvantaged people (the poor, the sick, the old).
People produce their best work in a co-operative environment. Too little support prevents people from reaching their full potential (collectivism).
Devolution is a good thing. By giving each region (e.g. Brittany in France, Catalonia in Spain) the power to run some of its own affairs, they will be happy to stay a part of the main country.
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