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- polygamy
- no images of God or prophets
- believe in Allah as their god
- practice of Hijab


- Largest religion in world today
- Jesus referred to as Christ
- worship in churches
- celebrate strictly Christian holiday's, such as Christmas




- do not believe in angels
- no specific founder of the religion
- no prophets

- believe in prophets
- believe in the Bible (as holy scripture)
- belief in one god
- believe in Satan
- no idols

- prayer time obligated in school
- have faith in different saints
- do not wear shoes inside their holy places (temple or mosque)
- Mecca was a holy place for both

- Monotheistic
- believe in a holy trinity (Father, Son, Holy ghost)
- marry one woman
- (has or) divided into different denominations or sects
- desire salvation

- follow command-ments or set rules
- believe in a god or gods
- believe in one true creator
- value religious symbols
- believe God gave man free will

Religious Venn Diagram

Islam is a monotheistic faith revealed through Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah. Like Christianity, Islamic supporters believe in one perfect God. They believe Allah is incomparable to none, which is why they allow no imitations of their God with paintings or mosaics. Those who practice Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe in the practice of the Hijab, angels, prophets and messenger's of God, and they believe there will be a judgement day. Overall, Islam is most similar to Christianity versus Hinduism.
Christianity is the religion based on Jesus, who Christians believe to be a prophet and the son of God, and his teachings. It is one of the largest religions in the world today and is divided into many denominations or sects, such as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestantism. While these sects main focuses or details surrounding their worship may differ, they all believe in God as their one and only savior.
Hinduism differs greatly from Islam and Christianity. Hinduism was developed through Vedic religions and centers the idea of freedom in the material world through purification of desires and elimination of personal identity. The elimination of personal identity is important in supporting the Hindu belief of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the belief that after death, your soul is reborn into another body. In Hindusim that means everyone is connected and everyone has been a certain person or living thing in their wordly existence.