PRIVACY POLICY: CLASSTOOLS.NETOverviewWe collect the minimum data necessary to activate subscriptions, and delete records after use. Information we holdMost users of the website do not provide any personal information since the site does not require a login. In the case of paying customers, the information on customers we hold on our servers is limited to that required for login and billing. Privacy informationNone of the personal data we hold about customers is shared outside of the company. Use of YouTube APIThe Classroom Timer allows users to use a YouTube video as a background soundtrack. This feature complies with YouTube's Terms of Service and is bound by the Google Privacy Policy. There is no need for users to provide any authorized data and search terms passed to YouTube are not stored by ClassTools or shared with any third parties. Individuals' rightsWe collect the minimum data necessary and delete records after use. Subject access requestsCustomers can request a reminder of the data we hold and how we protect it at any point. Lawful basis for processing personal dataPersonal data is required to allow subscribers to make online or invoice payments, and to subsequently log in to the site. ConsentAll customers have to agree to the existing terms and conditions of the website (which focus on not sharing the password / resources from the site outside of the subscribers' rights) before they can proceed to obtain their first subscription. These terms continue to apply when the subscription is renewed. ChildrenThe site is used as an educational aid. Teachers can create educational resources with it, or direct their students to do so. It is the responsibility of teachers and students to ensure that they do not share any personal information in the resources they create. Data breachesUpon being informed of any potential data breaches, the website administrator will immediately alert the server hosts and the website security platform which is also provided. |