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QR Challenge: Flow of Energy Review

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Use the diagram on your answer sheet. Which diagram best represents the process of photosynthesis?Choice A
2. What happens to the solar energy absorbed by plants during photosynthesis?2Radiant energy is transformed to chemical energy2
3. What kind of energy is needed to begin the process of photosynthesis?3Radiant energy3
4. When energy is passing through a food web, some of the energy is lost as heat and used by the organisms for life processes. How much energy is passed from one level to the next?410%4
5. Food from a cafeteria is collected and put into a compost bin. The students collect the humus (new soil) and place it into planters around the school. Composting is a form of?5cycling of matter5
6. Use the diagram on your answer sheet. Explain what the role of the decomposer is in this compost bin.6Decomposers break down the matter into new soil6
7. Use the diagram of the desert food web to answer the next question. What would be the cause of a sudden decrease in the number of coyotes, snakes, and hawks in this food web?7The number of rats decreased7
8. You receive a remote controlled dinosaur for your birthday. It has wheels to move, and requires a battery for power. What type of energy transformation is occurring?8Electrical energy produces mechanical energy8
9. Andrew plays a computer game where he designs roller coasters for a virtual amusement park. Use the diagrams on your answer sheet to decide which track Andrew should choose if he wants the roller coaster to have the most potential energy.9choice C9
10. Use the diagram of the food web on your sheet to answer the following question. Create a diagram of an energy pyramid for the food web10See test10


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 1 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 2 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 3 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge,_some_of_the_energy_is_lost_as_heat_and_used_by_the_organisms_for_life_processes._How_much_energy_is_passed_from_one_level_to_the_next?4

Question 4 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 5 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 6 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge,_snakes,_and_hawks_in_this_food_web?7

Question 7 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge,_and_requires_a_battery_for_power._What_type_of_energy_transformation_is_occurring?8

Question 8 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 9 (of 10)


Flow of Energy Review: QR Challenge

Question 10 (of 10)