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1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Question | Answer |
1. 1.What poetic device is the following an example of? The dog and the hog sat sadly on the log | Assonance | 2. 2.What poetic device is the following an example of? School Bell. The clang of the school bell the shuffling of papers This was the end My fiends were leaving me to go to another soon my year 7 class would be gone Leaving me alone with only the hum of silence and the flickering of the fan. | Personification | 3. 3.What poetic device is the following an example of? Filbert flew across the fan. | Alliteration | 4. 4.What poetic device is the following an example of? It hinders | Pesonification | 5. It lives on their desk It calls for their attention It is my friend but It is my enemy It helps but It hinders | Personification | 6. 5.What poetic device is the following an example of? You are Jupiter. the moon. the stars. You are my sun. You are YOU. You are Isis. Artemis. And Aphrodite. You are my strength. You are YOU. You are the lion in the wilderness. The gibbon in the forest. The brumby in the outback. The dolphin in the sea. You are my joy. But most of all you are YOU | metaphor | 7. 6.What poetic devicemt is the following an example of? Me. I am Like a tiger seeking my prey. As sharp as a razor. As clear as glass. As soft as fairy floss. And clever like Einstein | Simile |
Question 1 (of 7)
Question 2 (of 7)
Question 3 (of 7)
Question 4 (of 7)
Question 5 (of 7)
Question 6 (of 7)
Question 7 (of 7)