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1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.
2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to
4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.
1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.
2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.
3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!
4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.
Question | Answer |
1. Cell phone output devices include a speaker and a LCD. What does LCD stand for? (Bailey) | Liquid Crystal Display | 2. What does not come as a standard collection of software with the operating system of most mobile devices? (Bailey) | games | 3. What website could you use to locate software applications for your mobile device? (Bailey) | Getjar | 4. What is one major way to transfer information to and from your phone wirelessly? (Bailey) | Bluetooth | 5. What is the maximum amout of characters you can use in an SMS? (Bailey) | 160 | 6. What technology is used to send and recieve an SMS? (Bailey) | store-and-forward | 7. What is used to send pictures, videos and sounds through text messaging? (Bailey) | MMS | 8. How do Cell phones and smart phones resemble a tradtional computer?(shannon) | central processor, memory, and an operating system. | 9. What kind of network do cellphones operate with?(shannon) | wireless network | 10. What is a connectivety plan or text messaging plan in which data charges are seperate from cell phone calling charges and are provided at rates different from those for voice calls?(shannon) | Data plan | 11. What is a format for writing content view on a celluar phone or PDA that is text based and contains no graphics ?(shannon) | Wireless Markup Language (WML) | 12. What captures images on electric sensors and then converts them to digital data?(shannon) | Digital cameras | 13. The quality of lenses, the file format and compression, the color managment software and the resolution all help determine what?(shannon) | Image quality | 14. What is one the most common image file formats ?(shannon) | Raw Uncompressed Data (RAW) or Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) | 15. Cameras are also capable of recording what? (shannon) | Digital Video | 16. What is an internet connectivity plan or text messaging plan known as? (Hayley) | Data Plan | 17. What is an ISP? (A must have to connect to the internet via phone, as well as at home) (Hayley) | Internet Service Provider | 18. Name one company currently providing anti-virus software for mobile devices. (Hayley) | Either; McAfee, Symantec or F-Secure | 19. Name at least two websites in which the internet delivers a huge amount of digital video through. (Hayley) | Either; Youtube, Google Video, Vimeo, Hulu | 20. What is a common cable that enables HD on game devices/DVD players/TV's/etc? (Hayley) | HDMI Cable | 21. What does HD stand for? (Hayley) | High Definition | 22. What is the compression of similar audio/video files to create space? (Hayley) | Codec | 23. What does the term GPS stand for? Daniel | Global Positioning System. | 24. GPS devices determine the geographical location anywhere on the planet to within how many feet? Daniel | 3 feet. | 25. True or False: GPS chips cannot be placed in a family members cell phone/smart phone? Daniel | False. | 26. The use of a single unifying device to handle media, internet, entertainment, and telephony needs is better known as what? Daniel | Digital Convergence. | 27. What are the main categories of mobile devices? Daniel | Phones, Netbooks, and Internet Tablets. | 28. Voice, e-mail, some application software, and internet connectivity are standard capabilities of which mobile device? Daniel | Cell Phone | 29. What are MP3, WMA, AAC, MPEG-4, and DivX examples of?(Tim) | File formats | 30. Apple's iCloud technology allows you to get music from your computer to all registered iTune's devices, but without use of what previously required component?(Tim) | Cable between computer and device | 31. In order to convert analog to digital format, the analog waves are converted to, and represented by what? (Tim) | Numbers | 32. With the rise of confidential information on cell phones, such as online banking and confidential emails, are viruses a viable threat for cell phones? (Tim) | Yes, and a big one. | 33. Although widely known for work with PC's, Symantec, McAfee and F-Secure are also leading the way with what other kind of security? (Tim) | Cell phone virus protection | 34. In an era where many Web services and applications want personal phone numbers, what technology can you use to simply keep your personal phone number confidential? (Tim) | Virtual phone | 35. What is a voice-based Internet communication that turns a standard Internet connection into a means to place phone calls, including long-distance calls?(Konnor) | VoIP | 36. What are different types of VoIP providers? (Konnor | Skype,Vonage,Comcast,Verizon | 37. What is one serious drawback of using VoIP? (Konnor) | Spam or Hackers | 38. What is textual information stored as digital information so it can be stored, manipulated, and tansmitted by electronic devices? (Konnor) | Electronic text(etext) | 39. What are devices that can display etext and have supportings tools? (Konnor) | eReaders | 40. What is a very popular eReader? (Konnor) | Kindle or NOOK |
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