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QR Challenge: Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Clue #1 – Not sure what to read yet? Look for a resource in the teen area that will help you find a great book. Hint: it is in a white binder. Look through the binder and write down a title of a book that looks interesting to you on line #1.
2. Clue #2 – Do you love celebrities? Do you know we have a collection of teen magazines? Find the teen magazines. Hint: look on a top shelf. Write the name of one celebrity featured in a magazine on line #2.
3. Clue #3 – You might be getting ready for a big test. Look in the nonfiction area under the call number 378 for some help. Write the name of one test that the books in this area can help you prepare for on line #3.
4. Clue #4 – Before Wikipedia there were encyclopedias. The Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia was published by the father of Mabel Wagnalls, who built our library. Find a clue on the first page of the encyclopedia that contains information about flamingos. Write the volume you found your clue in on line #4.
5. Clue #5 – As you learned in the last clue, Mabel Wagnalls built our library in 1925. Mabel was friends with a famous author and they wrote many letters to each other. These letters are under glass near the paintings of a famous artist (Norman Rockwell). Find these letters and write the name of the author on line #5.
6. Clue #6 – Our teen book club is a lot of fun and we always have snacks! Consider joining us this month. Look for the teen book club display nearby. Write the date we will be meeting and the title of the book we will be reading on line #6.
7. Clue #7 – Hoot! Hoot! Who is that calling? It’s an owl! We have many owl carvings in our library, but did you know you can take home an owl? We have travelling owls that you can check out and take on vacation with you or just take home with you. Our patrons take pictures of our owls in interesting locations and these are posted on our Facebook page. Find these owls and describe your favorite one on line #7.
8. Clue #8 – Congratulations! You have completed the QR Scavenger Hunt. You should be at the circulation desk, so turn it in to the librarian at the desk.


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–__Not_sure_what_to_read_yet?__Look_for_a_resource_in_the_teen_area_that_will_help_you_find_a_great_book.__Hint:_it_is_in_a_white_binder._Look_through_the_binder_and_write_down_a_title_of_a_book_that_looks_interesting_to_you_on_line_1.

Question 1 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_Do_you_love_celebrities?__Do_you_know_we_have_a_collection_of_teen_magazines?__Find_the_teen_magazines.__Hint:_look_on_a_top_shelf.__Write_the_name_of_one_celebrity_featured_in_a_magazine_on_line_2.

Question 2 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_You_might_be_getting_ready_for_a_big_test.__Look_in_the_nonfiction_area_under_the_call_number_378_for_some_help.__Write_the_name_of_one_test_that_the_books_in_this_area_can_help_you_prepare_for_on_line_3.

Question 3 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_Before_Wikipedia_there_were_encyclopedias.__The_Funk_&_Wagnalls_encyclopedia_was_published_by_the_father_of_Mabel_Wagnalls,_who_built_our_library.__Find_a_clue_on_the_first_page_of_the_encyclopedia_that_contains_information_about_flamingos.__Write_the_volume_you_found_your_clue_in_on_line_4.

Question 4 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_As_you_learned_in_the_last_clue,_Mabel_Wagnalls_built_our_library_in_1925.__Mabel_was_friends_with_a_famous_author_and_they_wrote_many_letters_to_each_other.__These_letters_are_under_glass_near_the_paintings_of_a_famous_artist_(Norman_Rockwell).__Find_these_letters_and_write_the_name_of_the_author_on_line_5.

Question 5 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_Our_teen_book_club_is_a_lot_of_fun_and_we_always_have_snacks!__Consider_joining_us_this_month.__Look_for_the_teen_book_club_display_nearby.__Write_the_date_we_will_be_meeting_and_the_title_of_the_book_we_will_be_reading_on_line_6.

Question 6 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_Hoot!__Hoot!__Who_is_that_calling?__It’s_an_owl!__We_have_many_owl_carvings_in_our_library,_but_did_you_know_you_can_take_home_an_owl?__We_have_travelling_owls_that_you_can_check_out_and_take_on_vacation_with_you_or_just_take_home_with_you.__Our_patrons_take_pictures_of_our_owls_in_interesting_locations_and_these_are_posted_on_our_Facebook_page.__Find_these_owls_and_describe_your_favorite_one_on_line_7.

Question 7 (of 8)


Wagnalls Teen Tech Week Scavenger Hunt: QR Challenge–_Congratulations!__You_have_completed_the_QR_Scavenger_Hunt.__You_should_be_at_the_circulation_desk,_so_turn_it_in_to_the_librarian_at_the_desk.

Question 8 (of 8)