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QR Challenge: Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. 1. Mrs Rodden would like to know...'What is the highest mountain in Scotland?'Ben Nevis
2. 2. Mrs Paterson would like to know...'Who is the author of 'The Gruffalo'?'Julia Donaldson
3. 3. Miss Parker would like to know...'What year did Andy Murray win his first singles Wimbledon title?'2013
4. 4. Mrs Cannon would like to know...'How many months of the year have 28 days?'All of them have at least 28 days
5. 5. Miss Devlin would like to know...'What was the first battle in The Scottish Wars of Independence called?'The Battle of Dunbar (1296)
6. 6. Miss Ball would like to know...'Who named their very famous diary Kitty?'Anne Frank
7. 7. Miss Nicholson would like to know...'Which town in Scotland was almost destroyed by the 'Blitz' in 1941?'Clydebank
8. 8. Mrs Young would like to know...'What is the capital city of Scotland?'Edinburgh
9. 9. Mrs Jenkins would like to know...'What is the first number that contains the letter a?'One hundred and one
10. 10. Mrs Hetherington would like to know...'What is the name of Alice's kitten in 'Alice and Wonderland'?'Dinah
11. 11. Mr Fitzsimmons would like to know...'What happens when you mix oil and water and why?'The two don't mix with each other. Because oil is less dense than water, it will always float on top of water, creating a surface layer of oil.
12. 12. Miss Barrett would like to know...'When was the last time Scotland qualified for the World Cup Finals and where were they held?'France 1998
13. 13. Miss Allan would like to know...'What two colours are in the Scottish flag?'Blue and white
14. 14. Miss Loughlin would like to know...'Approximately how many kilometres are there in 1 mile?'1.6km
15. 15. Mrs Vassie would like to know...'What is Scotland's national animal?the unicorn
16. 16. Mrs Ferris would like to know...'What were the 3 names of the dog in 'Born to Run' by Michael Murpurgo?Best Mate Brighteyes and Paddywack
17. 17. Mrs Maclean would like to know...'Where does Katie Morag live?isle of Struay
18. 18. Mrs Flynn would like to know...'What is the most northly point of mainland Scotland?John O'Groats
19. 19. Mrs Kenny would like to know...'How many strings does a ukulele have?4
20. 20. Mr Baines would like to know...'What is the national anthem of Scotland?Flower of Scotland
21. 21. Mrs Doherty would like to know...'Who played Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films?Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_the_highest_mountain_in_Scotland?'

Question 1 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'Who_is_the_author_of_'The_Gruffalo'?'

Question 2 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_year_did_Andy_Murray_win_his_first_singles_Wimbledon_title?'

Question 3 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'How_many_months_of_the_year_have_28_days?'

Question 4 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_was_the_first_battle_in_The_Scottish_Wars_of_Independence_called?'

Question 5 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'Who_named_their_very_famous_diary_Kitty?'

Question 6 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'Which_town_in_Scotland_was_almost_destroyed_by_the_'Blitz'_in_1941?'

Question 7 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_the_capital_city_of_Scotland?'

Question 8 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_the_first_number_that_contains_the_letter_a?'

Question 9 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_the_name_of_Alice's_kitten_in_'Alice_and_Wonderland'?'

Question 10 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_happens_when_you_mix_oil_and_water_and_why?'

Question 11 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'When_was_the_last_time_Scotland_qualified_for_the_World_Cup_Finals_and_where_were_they_held?'

Question 12 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_two_colours_are_in_the_Scottish_flag?'

Question 13 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'Approximately_how_many_kilometres_are_there_in_1_mile?'

Question 14 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_Scotland's_national_animal?

Question 15 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_were_the_3_names_of_the_dog_in_'Born_to_Run'_by_Michael_Murpurgo?

Question 16 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'Where_does_Katie_Morag_live?

Question 17 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_the_most_northly_point_of_mainland_Scotland?

Question 18 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'How_many_strings_does_a_ukulele_have?

Question 19 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'What_is_the_national_anthem_of_Scotland?

Question 20 (of 21)


Baljaffray Primary School QR Code Quiz: QR Challenge'Who_played_Harry_Potter,_Hermione_Granger_and_Ron_Weasley_in_the_Harry_Potter_films?

Question 21 (of 21)