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QR Challenge: Give Gaeilge a Go!

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. 1. Cathain ar leagadh bunchloch Ionad Oideachais Dhroim Chonrach? Feabhra 1999
2. 2. Cathain ar oscalaíodh Ionad Oideachais Dh.C. go hoifigiúil? Samhain 1999
3. 3. Cé a d’oscail Ionad Oideachais Dh.C. go hoifigiúil? Bertie Ahern
4. 4. Cén phraghas atá ar chlamp a bhaint ó do charr? €125
5. 5. Cén foirgneamh é seo? Foras Taighde ar Oideachas
6. 6. Cén foirgneamh é seo? School
7. 7. Cén cód a úsáideann tú don ‘parkby text’? 1668
8. 8. Cad iad na rátaí don ‘park by text’? 0 – 2 uair: €1, gach uair I ndiaidh sin €3
9. 9. Cé di ar cuireadh an Crann Darach ag Ionad Oideachais Dh.C.? Professor Dorothy Heathcote
10. 10. Cén cód atá ann don WiFi in Ionad Oideachais Dh.C.? Public2017
11. 11. Céard iad na hainmneacha ar na seomraí éagsúla san Ionad Oideachais? Crainnte (Mailp / Leamhán)
12. 12. Cé hé an dealbh seo? Naomh Pádraig an múinteoir
13. 13. Cén contae ina bhfuil an áit a thug ainm don fhoirgneamh seo? Lios Mór - Co. Port Láirge
14. 14. Cén contae ina bhfuil an áit a thug ainm don fhoirgneamh seo? Moville - Dún na nGall
15. 15. Cé mhéad crann ar tógadh an cosán timpeall orthu? 14
16. 16. Cén t-am an bhfuil an leabharlann ar oscailt go dtí inniu? 2 r.n.
17. 17. An féidir le madraí a bheith ar an gcampas? Pictiúr
18. 18. Cé mhéad céim atá anseo? XXX
19. 19. Cé mhéad fuinneog atá ar Theach Belevdere? 13
20. 20. Cén t-am atá ar an dealbh seo? Evensong
21. 21. Céard é an chéad bus eile? XXX
22. 22. Cén fhoirgneamh é seo? Oifigí an Eastáit


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 1 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 2 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 3 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 4 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 5 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 6 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 7 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 8 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 9 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 10 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 11 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 12 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 13 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 14 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 15 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 16 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 17 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 18 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 19 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 20 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 21 (of 22)


Give Gaeilge a Go!: QR Challenge

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Question 22 (of 22)