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QR Challenge: Strickland 5th Grade

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Drinking fountain across from the gym This is the person in charge of both McLaughlin and Strickland. You can share with her your good news and ask her any questions you may have. She is our principal! Find her office
2. Mrs. Lacy. These two people help out our principal. They help teachers when needed and are always looking for students who are being outstanding examples of our five pillars! What are the names of the assistant principals? Find their office
3. Mrs. Herchenrader and Mr. Atchison Where should you be at 7:28 ready for school?
4. In the gym sitting in line at your teachers name. Where are the extra pencils located?
5. You've found them! You are more than welcome to get a pencil when you need them, but you need to keep track of your own at all times! Sometimes we forget our journal. Oops! We all make mistakes, but you still need to do your work, so where can you find lined paper?
6. Now you'll be able to take notes and complete your work!Now that you have materials, where do you need to turn in your work?
7. Wonderful! Just always remember to put your name on ALL of your papers if you want credit. Aaaaachoooo! As fall and winter roll around, we will get lots of sniffles, coughs and we need to keep those boogers to ourselves! If you get up and take last tissue, where can you find more to put out?
8. Thank you for replacing the box for the next person! Our classroom relies on helping one another. In case of a fire, we need to get our quick! Look near the door at the map and see where the nearest exit is and go to it.
9. Remember this place so you can get our quickly and safely! Sometimes we all need a little help in life. From fighting with a best friend to things at home, there are two special people who are available to help you out. These are our counselors! Find the office of Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Chong.
10. Glad we have them around to talk to! "The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."- Dr. Seuss This is where you can find a book you'll really enjoy. Go here and pick up a bookmark.
11. Books are amazing and so is our librarian, say hi and ask her name. She is new to our building! During Science this year we will be doing many labs. We do these in the science lab, where it is easy to clean up if we accidently make a mess. I hope you've been in here before, but just incase you haven't... go check it out! I hope you're excited because during our first unit, we will be going over all the tools we will use in here.When we don't feel good, it is our body's way of warning us it needs help. This person is who you can go see when you're not feeling well, think you need glasses, or have some health issues to talk about. Go find our nurse!
12. We are so glad to have someone who can help us stay healthy. This person you will see at least once, maybe twice a week. She just had a sweet baby named Taylor and a baseball playing son, Parker. Go find Coach T and let her know we are happy to have her back!
13. I'm sure Coach T was happy to see you! Maybe you are more the Fa La La La La person? This person helps our choir sounds like angels and we love their shows! Go find Mrs. Hensley and give her your best tune!
14. We sure are lucky to have specials such as PE and Music. But that's not all, we are blessed to have an art teacher who allows your to use your creativity to produce some wonderful pieces! Go say Bonjour to Ms. Lettko!
15. I can't wait to see all the beautiful pieces you create in here! Speaking of specials, during Team Tiger you also will also visit the computer lab. The downstairs lab, which connects to the library, is 5th grade's primary lab. Go check out how neat it looks! We always need to keep the chairs pushed in, the mouse, keyboard straight and no trash left anywhere. Do you think you can do this for us? Now its time to think about our 5th grade team! You may think you have two teachers but really you have SIX! There are three math and science teachers. Put their last names in alphabetical order and go to the teacher's room who comes first on your list.
16. Ms. Felber, Ms. Lupa and Mrs. McGee are all math and teachers this year! A little about them.. Ms. Felber LOVES cats, Ms. Lupa just joined a soccer team and Mrs. McGee is married with two beautiful daughters! We are ALL here to help you with anything you need. Three more teachers to go and they teach reading, writing and social studies. Find their names, put them in alphabetical order and go to the teachers name who comes first on your list.
17. Mr. Aguirre, Ms. Buendia and Ms. Castro are all teacher of reading, writing and socials studies. A little about them...Mr. Aguirre coaches and plays soccer, Ms. Buendia was a teacher in Dallas last year and this is Ms. Castro's first year as a teacher. We are so lucky to have Ms. Buendia and Ms. Castro at Strickland this year! Sometimes we get thirsty during the day. When we need a drink of water, we need to go quickly so we don't miss important information. Where is the nearest water fountain to your room?


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge

Question 1 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge

Question 2 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge

Question 3 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge've_found_them!_You_are_more_than_welcome_to_get_a_pencil_when_you_need_them,_but_you_need_to_keep_track_of_your_own_at_all_times!

Question 5 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge'll_be_able_to_take_notes_and_complete_your_work!

Question 6 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge!_Just_always_remember_to_put_your_name_on_ALL_of_your_papers_if_you_want_credit.

Question 7 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge!_Our_classroom_relies_on_helping_one_another.

Question 8 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge!

Question 9 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge!

Question 10 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge,_say_hi_and_ask_her_name._She_is_new_to_our_building!_During_Science_this_year_we_will_be_doing_many_labs._We_do_these_in_the_science_lab,_where_it_is_easy_to_clean_up_if_we_accidently_make_a_mess._I_hope_you've_been_in_here_before,_but_just_incase_you_haven't..._go_check_it_out!

Question 11 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge

Question 12 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge'm_sure_Coach_T_was_happy_to_see_you!

Question 13 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge's_not_all,_we_are_blessed_to_have_an_art_teacher_who_allows_your_to_use_your_creativity_to_produce_some_wonderful_pieces!_Go_say_Bonjour_to_Ms._Lettko!

Question 14 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge't_wait_to_see_all_the_beautiful_pieces_you_create_in_here!_Speaking_of_specials,_during_Team_Tiger_you_also_will_also_visit_the_computer_lab._The_downstairs_lab,_which_connects_to_the_library,_is_5th_grade's_primary_lab._Go_check_out_how_neat_it_looks!

Question 15 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge,_Ms._Lupa_and_Mrs._McGee_are_all_math_and_teachers_this_year!_A_little_about_them.._Ms._Felber_LOVES_cats,_Ms._Lupa_just_joined_a_soccer_team_and_Mrs._McGee_is_married_with_two_beautiful_daughters!_We_are_ALL_here_to_help_you_with_anything_you_need.

Question 16 (of 17)


Strickland 5th Grade: QR Challenge,_Ms._Buendia_and_Ms._Castro_are_all_teacher_of_reading,_writing_and_socials_studies.__A_little_about_them...Mr._Aguirre_coaches_and_plays_soccer,_Ms._Buendia_was_a_teacher_in_Dallas_last_year_and_this_is_Ms._Castro's_first_year_as_a_teacher._We_are_so_lucky_to_have_Ms._Buendia_and_Ms._Castro_at_Strickland_this_year!

Question 17 (of 17)