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QR Challenge: SRD,E&S Hunt 2

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. What two word term is the top speed reached by a free falling object?terminal velocity
2. Eastern Diamondback, Massasauga and Timber are species of what animal?rattlesnake
3. What do the angles inside a square add up to ?360
4. What was the name of the first human in space?Yuri Gagarin
5. The viceroy butterfly is so named because if its mimicry of what other species?monarch butterfly
6. What planet has the shortest day, at 10 hours?Jupiter
7. What is the term for any four sided figure?quadrilateral
8. What is a collection of penguins known as?rookery, waddle or colony
9. What is the more common name for Axilla?armpit
10. What month is Earth closest to the sun?January
11. What describes a person with no skin pigment?albino
12. Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit what planter?mars
13. What is measured using the Richter Scale?earthquakes
14. What element combines with sodium to make table salt?chlorine
15. In physics, what does FTL stand for?faster than light
16. What kind of dental specialist performs root canals?endodontist
17. What gender are clownfish?hermaphrodites
18. What name is given to an elephant's second incisors?tusks
19. What is 270 in an average human baby but only 206 in an adult?bones
20. The “k” in vitamin k stands for what Danish word?coagulation
21. What do most lobster and crawfish do with their shells after they have molted?eat it
22. What is molten rock magma called once it flows out of a volcano?lava
23. Which acids make up gastric acids in the human stomach?hydrochloric acid, sodium and potassium chloride
24. What digit does not exist in Roman numerals?zero
25. What required five separate spacewalks to be repaired in 1993?Hubble Space Telescope
26. What type of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge?suspension bridge
27. How many furlongs to a mile?8
28. What do you call the feeling of having experienced something before?Deja Vu
29. What gender are whiptail lizards?female
30. What is the name for a young deer?fawn
31. Your mission is as follows:You must fill a 20 ounce container with exactly 16 ounces (or a 5:4 ratio) full of water…no more and no less!Solution 1


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 1 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge,_Massasauga_and_Timber_are_species_of_what_animal?

Question 2 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 3 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 4 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 5 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge,_at_10_hours?

Question 6 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 7 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 8 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 9 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 10 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 11 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 12 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 13 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 14 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge,_what_does_FTL_stand_for?

Question 15 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 16 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 17 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge's_second_incisors?

Question 18 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 19 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge“k”_in_vitamin_k_stands_for_what_Danish_word?

Question 20 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 21 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 22 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 23 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 24 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 25 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 26 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 27 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 28 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 29 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge

Question 30 (of 31)


SRD,E&S Hunt 2: QR Challenge…no_more_and_no_less!

Question 31 (of 31)