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QR Challenge: Assessment Review (10/18/17)

Created using the ClassTools QR Treasure Hunt Generator

Teacher Notes

A. Prior to the lesson:

1. Arrange students into groups. Each group needs at least ONE person who has a mobile device.

2. If their phone camera doesn't automatically detect and decode QR codes, ask students to

3. Print out the QR codes.

4. Cut them out and place them around your class / school.

B. The lesson:

1. Give each group a clipboard and a piece of paper so they can write down the decoded questions and their answers to them.

2. Explain to the students that the codes are hidden around the school. Each team will get ONE point for each question they correctly decode and copy down onto their sheet, and a further TWO points if they can then provide the correct answer and write this down underneath the question.

3. Away they go! The winner is the first team to return with the most correct answers in the time available. This could be within a lesson, or during a lunchbreak, or even over several days!


4. A detailed case study in how to set up a successful QR Scavenger Hunt using this tool can be found here.

Questions / Answers (teacher reference)



1. Deduct this amount from the combined nonexempt unearned income or any nonexempt income of all aged, blind, or disabled MN persons and the spouse or parents of these persons.$20.
2. Deduct these amounts from the combined nonexempt earned income of all aged, blind, or disabled MN persons and the spouse or parents of these persons.Unused $20 and $65 and ½.
3. UIB,Pensions and SSA Retirement/Survivors Benefits are all examples of WHICH TYPE of income for Non MAGI AFDC/ADB MN Medi – Cal?Unearned Income.
4. If an AFDC MN Applicant is employed, they are allowed an automatic deduction of HOW MUCH?$90.
5. If an individual applying for AFDC MN is receiving child or spousal support, would a deduction be allowed? If so how much?the first $50 would be an allowable deduction (PER MFBU)
6. Asia (55) comes into the office to apply for MC. Countable income exceeds MAGI limits and she prefers to have eligibility explored for AFDC with a SOC. She provided verification of the following expenses, $1500/mo rent and $250/mo in dependent care expenses for her grandchild Destiny (4). Destiny’s parents are deceased. What expense deduction(s) will be allowed on the budget based strictly on the information provided and why?$175 dependent care expense deduction.
7. Paul (75) and Paula (79) are applying for MC. They indicate and provided verification of the following: $104.90 part B premiums are being deducted from both of their SSA RSDI retirement checks each month; Paul has a separate Part D Prescription plan through Aetna which has a premium of $75/mo and additionally due to Paula’s declining health, she has a separate private health insurance plan to cover most of her dialysis needs which costs her an extra $200/mo. Based on the information provided, how much would eb allowed as an expense deduction?$484.80 in medical expenses.
8. Determine the MFBU AND the MBU for the following scenario: Your applicant HH consists of an unmarried couple Brett (27) and Stephanie (27), their mutual child Mock (3), Stephanie’s 2 separate children Ro (5) and Rosquared (5) (Rosquared has his own nonexempt income) and Brett’s separate child Doug (7). They are all requesting Medi-cal. Assume that the MFBU has a SOC.MFBU=Brett, Stephanie, Mock, Ro, Rosquared and Doug; MBU#1 Stephanie, Ro (Steph and Ro, the child w/out income are in the same MBU); MBU#2 Brett and Doug; MBU#3 Rosquared (has income and will be in his own MBU); MBU#4 Mock (cannot be in an MBU w/ unmarried parents, therefore he is in his own MBU)
9. What would be the prorated Maintenance need amount for the following MBU scenario? MBU consists of Melinda (2), her twin brother Barry (2), their sister Mary (4) and her twin Lena (4) only. They reside in the home with their mother only.$1007 ($1259/5 =251.80x4)
10. Bethany (42) and her husband Patrick (40) are applying for MC. Their countable HH income exceeds MAGI limits and they prefer to have their eligibility explored for AFDC with a SOC. The HH provided verification of the following: $2000/mo rent, $500/mo in dependent care expenses for their children, and a $200/mo PGE - electricity bill. The verifications provided specify that $200/mo is paid in child care for Belinda (1) and $300/mo is paid for Blaine (6 months). What expense deduction(s) will be allowed on the budget based on the information provided?$400, $200 per child under 2 years of age.
11. Is this statement true or false? If it is false, Please explain why. When a Sneede class member meets property limits but has a SOC, under existing regulations, Sneede procedures must be applied to both SOC and property determinations.FALSE - Sneede property and income determinations are two separate and independent determinations. Sneede may apply only when evaluating a family's property, or only when determining income, or to both.
12. Gary (67) and his Wife Gertrude (65) came in to apply for MC. They reported that they own the following: the home they currently reside in, however they are looking to sell their home; no moves have been made yet. They have a mortgage of $1100/mo and pay all utilities separate. Their home has a FMV of $250,000, They each have a separate checking account with a balance of $1550 for Gary (which includes this month’s SSA retirement check) and $2000 for Gertrude (which includes this month’s SSA retirement check); they additionally have a joint savings account that they use to pay their bills with, with a verified balance of $2000. Gary and Gertrude both have a vehicle. Gertrude leases a 2016 Toyota RAV4 FMV $16,125 and Gary owns a 2017 Chevy Malibu FMV $14999 with an encumbrance of $16000. Both receive $900/mo each in SSA retirement benefits and each pay OHC premiums of $200/mo each. Gary has HH FAILS PROPERTY
13. For the following example, determine eligibility for Medi-Cal. Assume that all facts have been suitably verified: Nancy (45) a single mom came in to apply for Medi – Cal for herself and her daughter Megan (4). Nancy is permanently disabled (since 2000) and is in receipt of SSA disability benefits in the amount of $980/mo. Megan was established disabled since birth and is an SSI/SSP recipient. She receives SSI/SSP in the amount of $1020/mo. Nancy is in receipt of Medicare Part A – Free and Part B is paid for by the State through Buy – in. She additionally needs special formulary drugs and has separate OHC costs. She additionally pays $250/mo in OHC premiums. Nancy is currently seeking employment and places Megan in PT daycare for 5 hr a week which costs her $100/wk totaling $400/mo. On her application she mentioned that she rents an apartment for her and her daughter and receives section 8. She receives her entire shelter expense paid for by the program. She has a checking account at Bay Federal Credit Union however it is currently in overdraft status with a negative balance of - $658.89. (None from her SSA benefits) $0 SOC (980-20=960-250=710-750=0)
14. What would be the prorated Maintenance need amount for the following MBU scenario? MBU consists of Melinda (2) only. She resides in the home with mother only.$375 ($750/2)
15. Belinda(42) and her daughter Mellie (2) came to apply for MC. Countable HH income exceeds MAGI limits. She reported that she pays court ordered child support for another child not in the home. She provided a copy of the court order which reflects an ordered amount of $980/mo and a bank withdrawal to her ex husband for the current month in the amount of $500. How much would be allowed as an expense deduction for AFDC MN based strictly on the information provided?$500 unless Belinda provides verification of a PAID amount of $980.
16. Loans, Scholarships, Tax Refunds, VISTA Payments are all examples of WHICH TYPE of income for Non MAGI AFDC/ADB MN Medi – Cal?Exempt Income.
17. ____________ are separate sub-units within a family, which are derived from the initial MFBU in order to prevent the incorrect commingling of property and income of persons who are not financially responsible for each other. They are based on family relationships (relative responsibility), and whether a child has his/her own separate nonexempt property or income and are not the same as a responsible relative determination. A single family may have several.Mini Budget Unit (MBUs).
18. Determine the MFBU AND the MBU: Your applicant HH consists of a married couple Donald (36) his wife Karee (32) their mutual child Kay (4), Karee’s separate child Kris (15) and Donald’s separate child Kevin (16). Karee is applying for MC for Kris only as everyone else is aided through Donald’s employer. Assume the MFBU is property ineligible or has a SOC and each separate child receive C/S from the absent parent.MFBU - Karee and Kris / MBU#1 – Karee, she is in her own MBU because her spouse is financially responsible for his separate child; MBU#2 – Kris w/ C/S income, she is in her own MBU because she has her “own income”.
19. Greg (65) and his wife Bam (65) came into the office to apply for MC. Greg receives SSA retirement of $900/mo and Bambi is unemployed. Greg and Bam were approved for Medicare last month and receives both Part A and B for free however Greg additionally pays $75/mo for his Part D medical expenses. Greg and Bam do not file taxes nor do they claim any tax dependents. They own their home, which is their principal residence. They do not drive nor do they own any vehicles. Greg has a checking account with a verified balance of $2000 (which includes his current months SSA check); they additionally have a joint savings account which is used to pay bills, this account has a verified balance of $1200. Due to Bam’s declining health, Greg purchased an irrevocable burial fund in her name. They reported no other income/property on their application.$0 SOC ($900-20(any income)-70=805 – 934 = 0)
20. Megan (67) and her grandchild Delilah (3) have come into the office to apply for MC. Delilah’s parents were involved in a terrible car accident and did not make it, therefore Megan was granted full custody over the child. Megan is retired. She receives $900/mo in RSDI and is in receipt of Medicare. She receives Part A Free and Part B premiums are auto deducted from her RSDI each month. Delilah is in receipt of $934/mo in SSA Survivors benefits until her inheritance has been processed. Megan also reported the following property: Checking Account – Balance $2200, Delilah has a Savings Account – Balance $66,458; Megan own 2 vehicles – 2017 Chevy Volt FMV $13,452 Encumbrance $0 and a 1999 Ford F150 FMV $250; She owns a life insurance policy, face value $300,000 CSV $589.55.MAGI ELIGIBLE(


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_blind,_or_disabled_MN_persons_and_the_spouse_or_parents_of_these_persons.

Question 1 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_blind,_or_disabled_MN_persons_and_the_spouse_or_parents_of_these_persons.

Question 2 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,Pensions_and_SSA_Retirement/Survivors_Benefits_are_all_examples_of_WHICH_TYPE_of_income_for_Non_MAGI_AFDC/ADB_MN_Medi_–_Cal?

Question 3 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_they_are_allowed_an_automatic_deduction_of_HOW_MUCH?

Question 4 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_would_a_deduction_be_allowed?_If_so_how_much?

Question 5 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_$1500/mo_rent_and_$250/mo_in_dependent_care_expenses_for_her_grandchild_Destiny_(4)._Destiny’s_parents_are_deceased._What_expense_deduction(s)_will_be_allowed_on_the_budget_based_strictly_on_the_information_provided_and_why?

Question 6 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge$104.90_part_B_premiums_are_being_deducted_from_both_of_their_SSA_RSDI_retirement_checks_each_month;_Paul_has_a_separate_Part_D_Prescription_plan_through_Aetna_which_has_a_premium_of_$75/mo_and_additionally_due_to_Paula’s_declining_health,_she_has_a_separate_private_health_insurance_plan_to_cover_most_of_her_dialysis_needs_which_costs_her_an_extra_$200/mo._Based_on_the_information_provided,_how_much_would_eb_allowed_as_an_expense_deduction?

Question 7 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_their_mutual_child_Mock_(3),_Stephanie’s_2_separate_children_Ro_(5)_and_Rosquared_(5)_(Rosquared_has_his_own_nonexempt_income)_and_Brett’s_separate_child_Doug_(7)._They_are_all_requesting_Medi-cal._Assume_that_the_MFBU_has_a_SOC.

Question 8 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_her_twin_brother_Barry_(2),_their_sister_Mary_(4)_and_her_twin_Lena_(4)_only._They_reside_in_the_home_with_their_mother_only.

Question 9 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge$2000/mo_rent,_$500/mo_in_dependent_care_expenses_for_their_children,_and_a_$200/mo_PGE_-_electricity_bill._The_verifications_provided_specify_that_$200/mo_is_paid_in_child_care_for_Belinda_(1)_and_$300/mo_is_paid_for_Blaine_(6_months)._What_expense_deduction(s)_will_be_allowed_on_the_budget_based_on_the_information_provided?

Question 10 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_Please_explain_why._When_a_Sneede_class_member_meets_property_limits_but_has_a_SOC,_under_existing_regulations,_Sneede_procedures_must_be_applied_to_both_SOC_and_property_determinations.

Question 11 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_however_they_are_looking_to_sell_their_home;_no_moves_have_been_made_yet._They_have_a_mortgage_of_$1100/mo_and_pay_all_utilities_separate._Their_home_has_a_FMV_of_$250,000,__They_each_have_a_separate_checking_account_with_a_balance_of_$1550_for_Gary_(which_includes_this_month’s_SSA_retirement_check)_and_$2000_for_Gertrude_(which_includes_this_month’s_SSA_retirement_check);_they_additionally_have_a_joint_savings_account_that_they_use_to_pay_their_bills_with,_with_a_verified_balance_of_$2000._Gary_and_Gertrude_both_have_a_vehicle._Gertrude_leases_a_2016_Toyota_RAV4_FMV_$16,125_and_Gary_owns_a_2017_Chevy_Malibu_FMV_$14999_with_an_encumbrance_of_$16000._Both_receive_$900/mo_each_in_SSA_retirement_benefits_and_each_pay_OHC_premiums_of_$200/mo_each._Gary_has

Question 12 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_determine_eligibility_for_Medi-Cal._Assume_that_all_facts_have_been_suitably_verified:_Nancy_(45)_a_single_mom_came_in_to_apply_for_Medi_–_Cal_for_herself_and_her_daughter_Megan_(4)._Nancy_is_permanently_disabled_(since_2000)_and_is_in_receipt_of_SSA_disability_benefits_in_the_amount_of_$980/mo._Megan_was_established_disabled_since_birth_and_is_an_SSI/SSP_recipient._She_receives_SSI/SSP_in_the_amount_of_$1020/mo._Nancy_is_in_receipt_of_Medicare_Part_A_–_Free_and_Part_B_is_paid_for_by_the_State_through_Buy_–_in._She_additionally_needs_special_formulary_drugs_and_has_separate_OHC_costs._She_additionally_pays_$250/mo_in_OHC_premiums._Nancy_is_currently_seeking_employment_and_places_Megan_in_PT_daycare_for_5_hr_a_week_which_costs_her_$100/wk_totaling_$400/mo._On_her_application_she_mentioned_that_she_rents_an_apartment_for_her_and_her_daughter_and_receives_section_8._She_receives_her_entire_shelter_expense_paid_for_by_the_program._She_has_a_checking_account_at_Bay_Federal_Credit_Union_however_it_is_currently_in_overdraft_status_with_a_negative_balance_of_-_$658.89._(None_from_her_SSA_benefits)

Question 13 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge

Question 14 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge$980/mo_and_a_bank_withdrawal_to_her_ex_husband_for_the_current_month_in_the_amount_of_$500._How_much_would_be_allowed_as_an_expense_deduction_for_AFDC_MN_based_strictly_on_the_information_provided?

Question 15 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_Scholarships,_Tax_Refunds,_VISTA_Payments_are_all_examples_of_WHICH_TYPE_of_income_for_Non_MAGI_AFDC/ADB_MN_Medi_–_Cal?

Question 16 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_which_are_derived_from_the_initial_MFBU_in_order_to_prevent_the_incorrect_commingling_of_property_and_income_of_persons_who_are_not_financially_responsible_for_each_other._They_are_based_on_family_relationships_(relative_responsibility),_and_whether_a_child_has_his/her_own_separate_nonexempt_property_or_income_and_are_not_the_same_as_a_responsible_relative_determination.__A_single_family_may_have_several.

Question 17 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge,_Karee’s_separate_child_Kris_(15)_and_Donald’s_separate_child_Kevin_(16)._Karee_is_applying_for_MC_for_Kris_only_as_everyone_else_is_aided_through_Donald’s_employer._Assume_the_MFBU_is_property_ineligible_or_has_a_SOC_and_each_separate_child_receive_C/S_from_the_absent_parent.

Question 18 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge$900/mo_and_Bambi_is_unemployed._Greg_and_Bam_were_approved_for_Medicare_last_month_and_receives_both_Part_A_and_B_for_free_however_Greg_additionally_pays_$75/mo_for_his_Part_D_medical_expenses._Greg_and_Bam_do_not_file_taxes_nor_do_they_claim_any_tax_dependents._They_own_their_home,_which_is_their_principal_residence._They_do_not_drive_nor_do_they_own_any_vehicles._Greg_has_a_checking_account_with_a_verified_balance_of_$2000_(which_includes_his_current_months_SSA_check);_they_additionally_have_a_joint_savings_account_which_is_used_to_pay_bills,_this_account_has_a_verified_balance_of_$1200._Due_to_Bam’s_declining_health,_Greg_purchased_an_irrevocable_burial_fund_in_her_name._They_reported_no_other_income/property_on_their_application.

Question 19 (of 20)


Assessment Review (10/18/17): QR Challenge’s_parents_were_involved_in_a_terrible_car_accident_and_did_not_make_it,_therefore_Megan_was_granted_full_custody_over_the_child._Megan_is_retired._She_receives_$900/mo_in_RSDI_and_is_in_receipt_of_Medicare._She_receives_Part_A_Free_and_Part_B_premiums_are_auto_deducted_from_her_RSDI_each_month.__Delilah_is_in_receipt_of_$934/mo_in_SSA_Survivors_benefits_until_her_inheritance_has_been_processed.__Megan_also_reported_the_following_property:_Checking_Account_–_Balance_$2200,_Delilah_has_a_Savings_Account_–_Balance_$66,458;_Megan_own_2_vehicles_–_2017_Chevy_Volt_FMV_$13,452_Encumbrance_$0_and_a_1999_Ford_F150_FMV_$250;_She_owns_a_life_insurance_policy,_face_value_$300,000_CSV_$589.55.

Question 20 (of 20)