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QR Challenge: Fronts

A dry, cold air mass would be calledcontinental polar
When a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet, but they push at each other and neither one can move, it is called a/anStationary front
When a warm air mass is trapped between two cooler air masses, it is called a/anOccluded front
The boundary between cold and warm air masses is called a/anfront
When a cold air mass moves into a warm air mass, it will get colder and we will have severe weather. What type of front is this?cold front
When a warm air masses gently slides on top of a cold air mass, and you have drizzly rain and then beautiful sunny weather, what front is it?warm front
A/an _____________ is a large body of air that has the same properties as the Earth's surface over which it developes and has the same density and moisture contentAir mass
What type of weather would a continental tropical air mass bring?Dry and warm weather
An air mass that formed over the ocean near the equator would probably beMaritime tropical
A wet, cold air mass would beMaritime polar
Where would you find a tropical maritime air mass?Over the ocean near the equator
