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QR Challenge: Touching Spirit Bear Review Ch 1-2

Where is Cole being sent, and why is he being sent there?Cole is being sent to an island in southeast Alaska as a punishment for violently beating up Peter Driscall, the boy who reported to police that Cole robbed and ransacked a hardware store. (6) He has accepted banishment as an alternative to being put in prison (3).
How does Cole view adults and authority? Cite an example from the book as support.Cole shows disrespect for adults, such as (answers will vary)when he purposely spits so it will hit Edwin, believes that the adults that are supposed to help him always pass him on to others, and believes he could always get another last chance (5 – 6).
What's one piece of advice or a warning Edwin gives Cole for surviving the island?Answers will vary
Describe the Spirit Bear introduced in Chapter TwoSpirit Bear lives off the coast of British Columbia. It is a special breed of black bear that is pure white, and has pride, dignity, and honour.
What does Garvey leave with Cole & what must Cole do with it?At.oow – a blanket handed down through the generations in his family. Cole must take care of it, and hand it down to someone he trusts in the future (19).
