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QR Challenge: ch. 20

the process by which water is brought to an area for use on crops is called: desalination, purification, irrigation, sedimentationirrigation
The largest consumer of water in the United States is: agriculture, industry, urban centers, residential areasagriculture
In the home, most water is used for: cooking, drinking, personal hygiene, washing dishespersonal hygiene
Water that is fit for use as drinking water is said to be: polluted, runoff, contaiminated, potablepotable
The type of irrigation that makes use of sprinkler systems is: flood irrigation, drip or trickel irrigation, furrow irrigation, overhead irrigationoverhead
The most wasteful and inefficient type of irrigation is: flood irrigation, drip or trickle irrigation, overhead irrigation, subirrigationflood
Many reservoirs are fed by underground water supplies flowing in: pipes, aquifers, streams, runoffaquifers
The water-treatment process in which water is forced into the air is called: purification, aeration, sedimentation, filtrationaeration
Particles in the water are able to settle out by: filtration, aeration, sedimentation, boilingsedimentation
Two chemicals used to purify water are: bicarbonate and calcuim, sulfur and oxygen, fluorine and sodium, ozone and chlorineozone and chlorine
True/False? distillation is the process used by water-treatment plants to kill dangerous microorganismsFalse
True/False? reverse osmosis is a method of aeration?false
True/False? groundwater can be a source of surface watertrue
True/False? subsidence can result when overdraft occurs?true
True/False? Coagulantes are used to aid in sedimentation?true
