Newsfeed Generator

Newsfeed Generator

Create an interactive classroom newsfeed using this simple interface!

Simply provide a list of points you wish to share with your students. ClassTools will then turn it into an 'race against the clock' newsfeed for your students to take notes from as efficiently as possible! Here's a sample:

A great way of developing knowledge and understanding*

*or, to put it more simply, the juicy details of the story!


Click any of these options to load another sample:

Year 7: Medieval Realms | Year 7: Peasants Revolt | Year 8: Fall of Constantinople | Year 8: The Siege of Montsegur | Year 8: The Armada | Year 9: The Fall of the Bastille | Year 9: The Flight to Varennes | Year 9: the Middle East to 1987 | Year 9: the Middle East 1987-2009 | GCSE: The Spanish Civil War - Causes | GCSE: The Final Stages of World War One | GCSE - The Spanish Civil War - Course | GCSE - The Cold War - Origins | GCSE - The Cold War - Berlin Blockade | GCSE - The Cold War - Korean War | IB - Alexander III | IB - Lenin's Crisis Year: 1921 | IB - The Last Years of Lenin | IB - The Causes of the Spanish Civil War | IB - The Course of the Spanish Civil War | IB - Stalin and Agriculture | IB - Germany's Loss of World War One

Create your own!

Simply complete this form and click "submit" to create your own interactive newsfeed.
On the next page you will be able to add pictures if you like, then embed / share your resource however you wish!

Title of Newsfeed


(Simply start each event on a new line - you can add pictures on the next page if you like)



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